Mission Statement:
The Mission of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas Road & Bridge Department is to efficiently and effectively maintain the Tribe’s roadway system to provide a safe and pleasing travel environment for the public, our residents, and employees.
The KTTT Road & Bridge Department is committed to providing our community with beneficial, essential, public services in a professional, courteous, and fiscally responsible manner. We are liable to operate as a team to provide safe and reliable transportation solutions for tribal streets, bridges, and right-of-ways.
Department Functions
• Provide a safe, clean and well-maintained roadway system.
• Repair and restructure any road damages.
• Replace or refurbish damaged traffic signs.
• Provide a safe, well maintained, visually pleasing exterior grounds and landscaping by performing enduring vegetation operations daily.
• Maintain culverts and drainage systems.
• Conduct daily road assessments.
• Promote the effectiveness of road safety.
• Provide support, assistance and guidance to the community during natural disasters or emergencies.
Goal and Objectives
• Implement an effective forecasting planning process that delivers the right projects on time and on budget.
• Develop and operate an integrated roadway system that provides reliable and accessible mobility, and enables economic growth.
• To follow procedures and guidelines to prevent any accidents in the workplace.
• Respect and care for the well-being and development of our employees.
Request a Service
For fastest service, it is recommended that work order requests be submitted via email to or via telephone at (830) 421-5350.

Road Maintenance Supervisor