Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
Community Enrollment Department Mission Statement
The mission of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas Enrollment Department is to carry out the responsibilities of enrollment as deemed necessary by the Kickapoo Tribe Constitution and By-Laws. To protect the documentation provided for and by tribal members; to assist with integrity, accuracy and the utmost respect of confidentiality.
Membership Requirement
The membership of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas shall consist of the following persons:
1. All persons of Indian Blood whose name appear on New Base Roll 2016, printed on November 18, 2016, and approved by Tribal Council November 21, 2016.
2. All children born to a member of the Tribe who are at least one -fourth (1/4) degree Kickapoo Indian blood.
3. All persons who are members of other federally recognized Indian Tribes who are at least ¼ degree Kickapoo Indian blood may apply for membership in the Tribe provided they have
a. Is (i) an Adult or (ii) a Minor who has at least one biological parent who is a Tribal Member.
b. resided within the jurisdiction of the Tribe for ten (10) years preceding the date of application.
c. All persons that have relinquished their membership in the other tribe.
d. The application for membership is reviewed and approved by the Membership Committee.
Required Documents
- 1. APPLICATION: Complete fully, put N/A for Not Applicable where necessary, sign and date.
- 2. APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE- $25 dollar non-refundable processing application fee (Must be paid at accounting, please attach receipt with application)
- 3. DNA TEST RESULTS- from a lab accredited by the AABB, establishing the probability of paternity and/or maternity by the parent(s) through whom lineage is claimed for an applicant.
- 4. FAMILY TREE: Complete, as thoroughly as possible, to trace your Kickapoo ancestry.
- 5. BIRTH CERTIFICATE: We must have the original certified copy of the applicant’s Birth Certificate. Must be certified by the State Department of Public Health of Vital Records Division from the state the applicant was born. A hospital record or document is not sufficient proof of birth.
- 6. SOCIAL SECURITY CARD: Original Document.
- 7. PROOF OF RESIDENCY: i.e. Electricity bill, Employment Verification, School records.
- (Proof of 10 consecutive years or longer if applicant is a member from another tribe applying for KTTT Membership).
- 8. RELINQUISHMENT: Filed a relinquishment statement with other tribe. (If applicable)
- 9. COURT ORDERED DOCUMENTS: Legal Adoption/ Custody Documents
- 11. Any documentation that proves you meet the Membership requirements.
Please be advised, it is the applicant’s responsibility to provide the Enrollment department with all the required documents.
If the applicant is enrolled with another tribe, the applicant must file the relinquishment form on their own, and submit a verification letter with the application. For more information email us at enrollment@ktttribe.orgRelinquishment forms are available upon request.
Blood Quantum Calculator
1/4 is the minimum Kickapoo blood
quantum requirement.

Crystal Romo
Tribal Enrollment/ETC Program Director

Lorenza Suke
Assistant to Membership Services

Zulema Garza
Tribal Enrollment Clerk

Rosalee Suke
Tribal Enrollment Clerk

Ana Gonzalez
Tribal Enrollment Executive Assistant
KTTT Enrollment Department, 2212 Rosita Valley Rd., Eagle Pass, Texas 78852
Tel: (830) 773-2105 Ext. 5351