Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
Community Wellness Center Mission Statement
The Kickapoo Wellness Center services the tribal community and its employees. The purpose is to create a safe environment of leisure activity and to promote overall wellness for the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas community and any employee that is associated with any entity of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas.

Our mission is to encourage Kickapoo Elders to maintain a healthier lifestyle by offering nutritional information, assistance, service and cultural activities and opportunities. Services offered – The Elder Nutrition Center is responsible for providing information and referral services for Kickapoo Elders. The program also makes available socialization and educational activities and events for the elders.
• Congregate Meals
• Home Modification
• Home Repair
• Information and Referral/Assistance
• Legal Assistance
• Senior Center Programs
• Home Delivered Meals
• Personal Care
• Senior Center Programs
• Transportation
• Home Visits

The youth program is open to children 6 years old and up. The program is open from 3:30pm to 6:30pm during the school year and provides homework help as well as activities that encourage the child to be active. The program operates during school breaks and hosts a summer program that runs from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
The programs offers:
• Physical education based activities
• Presentations regarding at risk and prevention topics
• A variety of crafts
• Homework Help
• Field Trips
• Meals or a healthy after-school snacks
• Incentives for educational achievements
• Community Services, etc.
Teen Prevention:
The Wellness center aides offer teen night 1-2 times a month, which focuses on at risks topics that affect the teen population. Teen night is a great way to encourage the teens to get off the streets and surround themselves in a positive environment with their peers. Meals and transportation is offered. The wellness center also provides transportation for the teens that are active in extracurricular activities in school, by providing this service we are hopeful this will encourage our teens to be active and try out for sports.

The EDR services the KTTT elders by providing meals twice a day as well as the employees, which are offered a daily lunch special.