Kickapoo Environmental Protection Agency
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote and keep a clean environment for better health and safety of the Kickapoo Traditional of Texas, Tribal Members, Employees and visitors.
KEPA is committed to maintain a safe and healthy environment to all tribal members, employees and visitors.
Department Functions
• Provide a safe and healthy environment to tribal members and non tribal
• Provide Educational Material to tribal adults, youth and children
• Do Environment Activities with tribal adults, youth and children
• Comply with Safe Drinking Water Act by doing water analysis on free and total chlorine, bacteria, lead and cooper, disinfection by products (DBP’S) ph and temperature
• Comply with the General Assistance Program (GAP) in accordance with the Quality Management Plan (QMP) and with the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
• Recycling Program. We recycle cardboard, plastic, and paper. All of these recycling items are taken to the cities recycling center
• We recycle used tires and deliver them to the Maverick County landfill to be recycled.
• Recycle used oil and used filters.
• Properly dispose hazardous materials in accordance with EPA and OSHA standards
• Pest Control. Provide fumigation services to tribal homes and tribal buildings
• Vector Control. To limit or eradicate the thread of diseases such as Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Dengue Fever and Chikungunya
• Large Animal Control. Stray dogs/cats control and disposal of dead animals
• Environmental Monitoring. Monitor tribal lands for unsafe, unhealthy and hazardous situations.
Goal and Objectives
• The primary objective of the Environmental Department is to provide a safe and healthy environment to all
• To minimize incidents with in the tribal community due to the lack of unsafe and unhealthy living environment
Request a Service
• Submit work order with the details of the services being requested or
• Come by the office and fill out and application

Environmental Director

Arturo Arredondo
Pest/Animal Control Tech.

Judith L. Puente
Environmental Assistant