Kickapoo Community Development Company

Mission Statement

The mission of the Kickapoo Community Development Company, LLC is to improve the social and economic conditions of the Tribal Members of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas by investing in Tribal business ventures, including small and medium sized businesses owned and operated by Tribal Members.  The service market of the Kickapoo KCDC is Tribal membership, business and enterprises owned by the Tribe and individual Tribal members.  KCDC shall raise and deploy capital on behalf of and for the benefit of, the enrolled members of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas.  Capital shall be in the form of loans and/or equity investments to: Tribally sponsored businesses; businesses owned by individual enrolled members of the Tribe; individual Tribal Members, in the form of microloans, short and medium term personal loans.


Specific goals of the Kickapoo Community Development Company, LLC are:

  • Increase the number of Native-owned businesses
  • Raise the levels of financial literacy among Tribal members
  • Build the business skills of Tribal member entrepreneurs
  • Attract and leverage capital to the Tribe and Tribal members
  • Provide Tribal members access to low interest loans to meet their cash flow needs



For Tribal Members (see flyer)

Unsecured/Signature Loans

Loans with a Co-signer

Auto Loans

Home Improvement Loans


For KTTT and KLEC employees (see flyer)

Payday loans


General Email for KCDC


Financial Literacy Training
KCDC provides training for individuals to strengthen their personal financial management skills.


Personal Financial Skills
Two-hour courses using the Building Native Communities curriculum, designed to help Native Americans adapt traditional skills of resource management to the wise management of financial resources. The courses cover:

  • building a healthy economy
  • developing a spending plan
  • working with checking and savings accounts
  • understanding credit and credit reports
  • accessing credit
Sandy Rocha

Sandy Rocha

KCDC Managing Director

Phone: 830 421-5429

Miriam Suarez

Miriam Suarez

Loan Processor

Phone: 830 421-5406